Wierd tips to Lose your Abdominal Fat


Why you need a Detox!!!

Who needs a detox? If you’re feeling sluggish, or you think you’re always full. Or you feel the food you ate did not digest properly or you think you’re fat and need to lose weight. And if you think that you’ve ingested more than the allowed preservatives and additives into your body and your liver’s starting to show symptoms of abuse, then I think you do need a detox program.
What then is a Detox? Detox is a short acronym for detoxification and is the process of neutralizing or eliminating toxins from the body. Detox plans may be in different forms and ways – from regular exercise to body scrubs and spa massages, to yoga and meditation. But the simplest and the most common perhaps is to go on a detox diet.
A detox diet is a program that minimizes the chemicals ingested into the body. When you want to detox, you should go for organic foods. The body needs foods like vitamins and antioxidants for detoxification. Detoxification also involves taking in foods that contain high fiber and water that will aid in the elimination of toxins. It generally suggests a high intake of fresh vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and lots of fluids, while cutting down on caffeine, alcohol, yeast and sugars. Individuals that eat fast foods like fries, burgers, soft drinks, these contain many fat soluble chemicals and an overload of these cause illness and malfunction of the body organs like liver malfunction, kidney problems, hormonal imbalance, and inefficient metabolism. The most common symptoms of these illnesses are the usual fatigue, poor skin and low tolerance to pain.
By going on a detox diet, people would have improved energy, clearer and fairer skin, a regular bowel movement, improved metabolism and digestion, increased concentration. Generally, it spells wellness and a better well-being. However, when you embark on a detox program, you are likely to feel headache and a general feeling of weakness and this is because your body is trying to adjust to the change in food intake. Some could experience diarrhoea and its advised you drink lots of water. Such detox diet programs should not be done for a long time. They are normally recommended to be done at least one to two times a year, and should be done during the warm months.


3 things that will make you lose weight.

Below is an excerpt i culled from a book on health i read. It contains a good plan with all the things you will have to do to lose weight safely and
effectively, please read and adopt:
1. Exercise.
This is nothing new really, but exercise is probably the most important predictor of whether
you will succeed at long term weight loss and weight loss maintenance. In order for exercise to be helpful in weight loss, you should strive for a minimum of five 30-minute sessions per week. The good news is that recent research has shown that three 10-minute sessions in a day are as good as one 30-minute session. The goal of exercise for weight loss is to burn more calories, apart from this exercise offers many other benefits as well. How many calories you burn depends on the frequency, duration and intensity of your activities. Even though regularly scheduled aerobic exercises are best for losing fat, any extra physical activity helps burn calories. And since lifestyle-related activities may be easier to
fit into your day, you should think about ways you can increase your physical effort. For
example, make several trips up and down stairs instead of using the elevator, park at the
far end of the lot and walk instead of taking the bus.
2. Stay focused on being healthy, not on becoming thin.
Many people become more successful at long-term weight loss when their motivation changes from wanting to be thinner to wanting to be healthier. Change your mindset to
think about selecting foods that will help your body's health rather than worrying about
foods that will affect your body's weight. The Food Pyramid offers a basic outline of the
types and amounts of food you should eat each day to give your body the nutrients it needs for optimal health.Adopting a new eating style that promotes weight loss must include lowering your total calorie intake. But decreasing calories doesn't mean giving up taste, satisfaction or even ease of meal preparation. One way you can lower your calorie intake is by eating more plant-based foods - fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Strive for variety to help you achieve your goals without giving up taste or nutrition.
3. if you want to use weight loss pills, then let it be those that are . There are some out there that can help you reduce the sensation of hunger and bind some of the fat in your meals so you get the benefit of a relaxed approach and positive attitude.A good attitude is essential for your success. A good attitude can help you have patience and not try to see fast results. Fast weight loss will only result in gaining back all the fat and then some.All natural weight loss plans and baby steps do work wonders!


Treat your Yeast infection effectively

Yeast infections are caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. This infection can keep the sufferers unbearable uncomfortable, this need not be because there are permanent treatments for this disease. You can treat yeast infection by getting to the root cause of the problem and taking care if it.
The symptoms of yeast infection include vaginal burning, itching, discharge, soreness and painful sex. A lot of people do not know why yeast infection symptoms come about. Some take the disease not serious and treat it superficially thereby getting a reoccurrence of the yeast infection symptoms. If this disease is not taken proper care of, it can become chronic and can prove to be dangerous. You need to learn how to take proper care of the disease by permanently treating it. When you discover you have yeast infection, do not just buy some over-the-counter drug; ensure you take proper care of it. When yeast infection keeps reoccurring, it can cause chronic muscle aches and joint pains.
To get some relief from yeast infection symptom, you can do the following:
• Avoid chemicals, adding chemicals aggravates your already delicate situation, and these chemicals come in the douches, contraceptive jellies, sprays and so on.
• Make yourself a healing bath instead of douching. To do this, add salt (enough to make the water taste salty) and half cup of vinegar and sit on the water with your knees are apart and until the water gets cool.
• Wipe from front to bottom after each bowel movement.
• Urinate before and after intercourse with your partner.
These are a few yeast infection home remedy which you can adopt to relief yourself from yeast infection symptoms. But a reoccurrence can occur. However, you can get a permanent cure to permanently relieve of all the discomfort caused by yeast infection.


Tips on easing Arthritis

Arthritis could be said to be the oldest ailment on earth. Every year, more and more are afflicted with this disease. It is said that mummies in Egypt had it and also that dinosaurs that is now extinct suffered it too. Many people believe that arthritis is connected to old age, but that’s not so true, there are types that do not have anything to do with your chronological age. Suffering from arthritis can really affect your life and how active you can be. The pain associated with it can also be debilitating. However, there are natural ways of which you can adopt to bring about relief of the pain associated with this disease to allow you live a fulfilled life where you do the things you love doing. There are lots of things you can do at home without incurring huge expenses to get some relief. So if you suffer from it or you know someone that does suffer from it, this article will help a great deal.
• Losing weight helps you gain relief, if you are over weight and lose the extra pounds, it will reduce a great deal of the stress and pain you feel. The more over weight the more stress and pressure you place on your joints, this increases the stress on the cartilage which interferes with the bone thus increasing the incidence of inflammation, swelling and pain. if you are overweight, here is help for you to lose weight
• Every movement counts. The best way to avoid arthritic pains is to keep your joints moving. Maintaining movement in your joints helps them to function properly for longer periods of time. It does not matter if small movements are all that you can manage. Remember that every little bit of movement counts!
• Learn to relax, if you ask women that have given birth, it is a very painful experience, these women are urged to relax, this is how they deal with the pain. If you focus on the pain, it hurts more. And if your joints are idle, it becomes more painful, rather find something to do to keep yourself and the joints busy.
• Get off addictive drugs like sleeping pills, tranquilizers and narcotics pain killers, and these drugs are usually used by sufferers of arthritis, when they use these drugs, they have a tendency to get addicted and take the drugs on and on, and these drugs can end up causing more harm than the good it causes.


Low Carb Diet Recipes

It is true that low carb diets help in making one lose and maintain a slender figure and healthy body. When you consume lots of carbohydrates, the likelihood of gaining weight is very high. So many people run from foods high in carbohydrates. In one of the episodes of desperate housewives I watched, a young girl who wanted to be model made a comment that she was going off carbs because she did not want to add weight. So there is no doubt that a low card diet will help you lose weight and stay slim. Now the problem is that a lot of people have the problem of not having a variety of low carb recipes to prepare. I came across some low card recipes which I would love to share:
• Shredded cold roast beef
• Boiled eggs
• Coarsely chopped onion
• Sliced celery
• Mayonnaise.
How to prepare: Mix desired amounts and chill. Then eat.
• Eggs
• Mayonnaise
• Half pound bacon
• Hot pepper cheese
• Chives
• Radishes
• lettuce
• 1 Avocado
How to Prepare: Boil the eggs until hard and dice them. Fry the bacon and crumble it, mix all the ingredients in a bowl and that’s it.
• Fresh broccoli florets
• Boiled eggs
• Green olives
• Red onions
• Mayonnaise
• Black pepper
• Paprika
• Salt
How to Prepare:
• Mix everything and coat with Mayonnaise, chill and serve.
The quantities of everything in the recipes above are according to taste.


Eating a little here and there adds up

Have you been to a one dollar shop to buy maybe 2 or 3 items, that will mean spending maximum of 3 dollars right? But at the end of your trip, you find out you have spent 42 dollars, then you start wondering what happened, did the cashier do something funny? You check your receipt and it dawns on you that you actually spent that amount. You went in and saw a beautiful colored glass cup which you picked for yourself, then you saw an adorable soft toy and you pick that for your charming little daughter, you see this , you see that and they all appeal to you, you buy all of them , of course the one dollar adds up to become a big amount.
That is exactly the way it is when it comes to your weight. Are you one of those that cannot pass by an ice-cream shop without answering to the ice-cream call, or do you help yourself also when you are helping your little ones with their favorite pastries. A little ice cream here and a few cookies there all add up to pile weight on you. I know a lot of us can be guilty of this, but if you really desire to lose some weight, you have to stop this. Apply discipline, go on a diet, the best way to diet is to go on a diet at short intervals, do not let it be a long stretch of time. Maybe two weeks of dieting, then another two weeks of not, then you do the cycle again. Back it up with exercises. Before you know it, you can fit into that lovely black dress again.


Achieving health and fitness

When some people think of losing weight and living a healthy life where you eat the right kind of foods and avoid all the junk that is easily available, they feel it is an impossible task. This is a mind set that has griped 99% of the world. People that have excess body fat usually think they cannot achieve their target weight. But that mind set is a deceit. The thing is that once you set your mind to do something, you can actually do it. Think long and hard about what you want to do, give yourself some pep talk that you can do it, think of the great benefits and then set out to accomplish your goal. You will be amazed that you can do without soda, chocolates, cakes and all those foods that make us fat and ugly. Once you start, keep at it and you will acclimatize before you know it.
On your road to health and fitness, it is good to set realistic goals, start small, do not deny yourself out rightly of the foods you love but are not so good for your health, it makes more sense to reduce the portion of that food that you eat and gradually stop eat. When you reduce the portion and skip it occasionally, with time you will see yourself not missing the food and then you give it up. I have experienced this and it works.
When it comes to exercising, push yourself to do it, you can start with something you enjoy doing, like skipping, skating, swimming, running. The secret is to start something and be consistent with it. You can register in a gym that you like or a gym that your favorite friend belongs to, so you can hit the gym together regularly.
If you are used to eating late at night like I was, you can stop this by opting to eat something healthy and tasty, like a bowl of fresh vegetables, slightly steamed, you can add hot spices to it to spice it up. This way you are eating but healthy foods.
This weight loss can be achieved by just about anyone, just have a go at it. Even if you fail the first time, keep on trying, you will make it. Our health is supreme, without good health you cannot enjoy the gift of life we have been given. Try it.


Do cardio exercises and burn fat.

When you continuously do activities that use up the major muscles in the body you are actually doing cardio exercises. For cardio work outs to be effective, you have to raise your body’s heart rate. That is actually the main aim of cardio exercises. The body’s heart rate is important to our body’s fitness. Heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute. If you reach what’s called your Target Heart Rate your body becomes a fat burning machine. Miss it and your workout may have been all for naught. Proper heart rate is so significant to fitness that trainers monitor it when helping clients achieve their fitness goals; your workout hasn’t fully begun until you’ve reached your target heart rate. There are various physical activities that can be considered as part of one's cardio training and they include walking or jogging, running, swimming, rowing and cycling as well as doing other aerobic exercises. There are several benefits that one can enjoy from doing regular cardio training. Doing them on a regular basis can greatly help the body even become healthier in the long run. Below are some benefits of doing cardio exercise:
1. It boosts one's energy levels. Regular cardio exercise such as running or swimming can eventually help in improving a person's energy levels. When the body goes through regular cardio training, it slowly adapts and is more able to cope up with the added strenuous physical activity. People become less tired while doing more work. In the process, they can become more energetic. Physical endurance is developed and improved over time through cardio workouts.
2. It boosts body metabolism. A good benefit of regular cardio exercise and training is through having a better metabolism. As cardio exercises help the heart muscles cope up with added physical activities, it also helps the body to burn more calories more efficiently. Cardio training helps improve the body's metabolism in order to handle for the energy needs of the added physical activity. This can signal the body to burn up some added fuel to keep its different functions up and running. With the regular training, the body then tends to keep the metabolism up. This then helps a person burn more calories which can be very convenient for losing weight.
3. It helps improve weight control. Regular cardio exercises can also help one maintain and keep a desired weight level. With a more improved metabolism, the body can burn more calories more efficiently. Regular cardio training can also help build up muscles through the physical activity that the body goes through. With more muscles and calories being burned by the body daily, losing some weight may be experienced which occurs as the process of burning the stored fats in the body starts. Up to a certain point when an ideal body weight is reached, people can then better maintain their weight through regular cardio training.
4. It helps prevent heart disease. Regular cardio training can also help in the prevention of heart disease. The heart also has muscles that make it work more effectively. Strengthening them can help the heart grow stronger and delay or prevent the development of diseases associated with the heart. Aside from training programs help strengthen the heart muscles; they also help strengthen the lungs as well. Conditions associated with a sedentary lifestyle such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease can be prevented with regular cardio exercise and training.


Losing Weight the Healthy Way

A large portion of the world today is suffering from obesity. Obesity is a disease and it continues to pose serious health risks. Unfortunately so many are not aware of the associated risks of being overweight. One way to prevent this scenario is to make people aware of the risks of being overweight or obese. Being overweight you expose yourself to the following diseases:
1. Heart disease
2. Stroke
3. Diabetes
4. Cancer
5. Arthritis
6. Hypertension

The most logical solution to this is to lose weight. Losing weight helps to prevent and control these diseases.
The quick weight loss methods which have spread like fire these days do not provide lasting results. More often than not, dieting methods which involve dietary drinks, foods and supplement or pills do not work. If they do, the results are just temporary. It is better to rely on a healthy weight loss option which will provide lifetime results. You have to set realistic goals and not expect to lose a lot of pounds in a short span of time. Below are some tips on how you can lose those unwanted pounds the healthy way:

1. Do not starve your self: The key to a healthier way of losing weight is: Do not diet. You may seem happy and feel that you are losing those unwanted fat on your belly and thighs by skipping meals. But remember that this would not last long. Your body cannot tolerate having insufficient food to fuel the energy that you use up everyday. If you get used to skipping one or two meals a day, your stored calories will be used up instead of the energy that should have been provided by your meals. So if you just meal or snack in one day, it will end up straight to your problem area which is the thighs, buttocks, hips.

2. Start your day right. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Have a healthy meal in the morning to jump-start your metabolism. Your food intake after you wake up will be used to burn fat all day long.

3. Eat small, healthy meals frequently. Five small-serving snacks per day is better than three hearty meals. Eating more frequently, and in small servings, can prevent over-eating. This will also increase your metabolism and make calories burn faster.
4. Drink lots of water. Your body needs sufficient water to burn fat and keep your cells hydrated and healthy.
5. Avoid too much sugar. Plan your meals around lots of fruits and vegetables, some bread, rice or pasta for that carb that you need, plus lean meat and protein rich-foods. Sweets, sodas and pastries should be once-in-a-while indulgences only.
6. Watch your fat intake. Fat is not the culprit to being overweight. You need this to keep your weight at the proper level. There is such a thing as healthy fats. Olive, peanuts and canola oil have them. Tuna, salmon and mackerel have omega-3 fats which is good for the heart.
7. Exercise. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, jog, cycle or skate. Use these activities and other home chores if you are too lazy to go to the gym and take exercise classes. Make sure that you do this regularly and you will not even notice that you are already shedding pounds with these mundane activities.


9 tips to stay fit and healthy for women

1. Staying fit and healthy starts with a balanced diet. Know and monitor the right weight for your age. Consult your doctor to learn what food you should avoid and follow your eating discipline routines. If you are trying to lose some weight, foods with high calories should be omitted from your meals. Food with high fiber and low fat should be included a priority in your grocery list instead of red meat, sugars and fats.
2. Drink plenty of water. Drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday. This cleanses the body from impurities. It is also advised for lactating women to increase water intake to keep the body hydrated.
3. Take Vitamins and Supplements. Do not forget your Calcium supplement. Sufficient Calcium intake is beneficial for women of all ages. This has been proven to prevent having cramps and Pre-Menstrual Period (PMS) Symptoms. It also prevents Osteoporosis especially for menopausal women. Vitamin E boosts strong immune system. Women who undergo menopausal period should take Vitamin E-400 as it stops night sweats and hot flashes. Also, Vitamin E is said to be best in avoiding wrinkles when aging.
4. Quit smoking. If you are smoking, stop. It is also a big “NO” for pregnant women, as this will affect the health of the baby. Pregnant women who smoke may pass the harmful content of cigarettes to babies through the bloodstream. Recent studies have shown that women smokers are more prone to diseases than men smokers. Women who smoke have a high risk of getting breast cancer. Also limit your alcohol intake.
5. Incorporate exercises in your daily routine. Take a walk after work, use stairs instead of elevator or play with your kids when you are at home. Home exercises are also effective especially when you do not have time to go to the gym and would like to lose some weight. Yoga and Pilates are only a few of the many effective exercises you can do at home. Exercises help in limiting the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
6. Avoid stress. Many women are prone to too much stress. Stress has been known as cause to many sicknesses. As much as possible take time to relax. Read a good book, hang out with friends and engage into sports. Pamper yourself by going to parlours or you can do some shopping. And do not forget to get enough sleep to revive your energy.
7. Use sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Wear hats when under the sun to protect your skin. Too much sun is bad for your skin. The skin is prone to cancer when exposed to too much sunlight. It also speeds up the aging of skin cells, which causes wrinkles to women.
8. Make sure to visit your dentist to keep that beautiful smile. Always have it cleaned to prevent cavities and bad breath.
9. Visit your Gynaecologist. Women who are eighteen and above should have their Physical Examination annually especially for the Pap Smear test. Women who are forty and up should have their mammograms and the Breast self-exam is encouraged once puberty has been reached and should be a habit as they mature.


Bad breath may mean trouble

We know that bad breath is caused by certain foods we eat and poor dental care.And there are remedies to alleviate this problem, however having bad breath could mean trouble. It may not be as simple as eating too much onions and garlic or failing to brush your teeth, bad breath can be a sign of major gum disease, it could also be gases and odors coming up from gastrointestinal problems. If your halitosis hangs on for more than 24 hours without an obvious cause such as eating garlic or you did not brush your mouth, it is advised that you see your dentist.

Some diseases that can also cause bad breath include, cancer, tuberculosis, syphillis, dehydration and zinc deficiency. Take care of your health and see your dentist regularly.


Some tips on taking care of your teeth.

Our teeth plays an important role in our lives.when you have good bright teeth, it gives you a bright smile that can open doors for you, if we do not take proper care of our teeth, it could cause us a lot of problems for us both physically and socially. Socially , it will drive people away from us because poor dental habits cause bad breath, this bad breath will surely drive people away from you. While physically, when you do not take care of your teeth and gums, it will affect the health of your gums and researchers have discovered a link between periondontal disease and increased risk of heart disease.To keep our dental health in top shape we can follow the tips:avoid sugary foods because sugar plus bacteria causes oral plaque, plaque leads to bleeding gums, tooth decay and cavities. The acid in refined sugars and carbonated drinks dissolves tooth enamel, change your tooth brush every three months, use alcohol free mouthwash to rinse away bacteria, clean your tongue with a tongue scraper every morning, eat lots of apples, apples are known as nature's toothbrush, eat carrots too, these foods help clean the teeth as you eat them, you can brush your teeth with baking soda at least once a week, this will remove stains from your teeth and also whiten them.


How to manage your Acne.

We all know acne to be those small pimples or blackheads that appear on your nose or forehead or anywhere on your skin which usually goes away after a few days. The term used to refer to all these pimples and blackheads is called Acne. There are however serious cases of Acne.
Acne can be classified into grades, from being mild to very serious outbreaks which consist of many whiteheads, blackheads, postules, nodules and cysts. This is often usually accompanied by severe inflammation. Severe acne like this can result in permanent scarring if not properly treated. A drug called Accutane is known for its effectiveness in treating severe acne, but before using it please asks your doctor.
Acne can affect anybody irrespective of who they are, it can affect just an ordinary 9 to 5 office girl, it can affect a popular TV star, just about anybody. But I am sure a lot of people will conclude that a prerequisite for being a star is that you should have a flawless skin because we never see a star with pimples on their face, they always look flawlessly smooth. But that is not the truth always, stars are humans like everybody else and there are those that also break out in pimples, but they have ways they cover up and look as smooth as ever.
What they do is that they use foundation make up that has a high pigment level to cover up, the higher the pigment level, the better it covers up blemishes. To know a product that has high pigment level , rub the make up onto your skin , if you cannot see your skin underneath it then it will cover up for you perfectly. This is just to cover up.
There are ways that have are proven to help treat and eliminate acne, acne can be managed by your lifestyle, what you use on your skin, the foods you eat and so on. To get a full gist on how to manage your acne I recommend that you visit this site.
Click Here!">


Quit Smoking

We all know that smoking is dangerous to our health. The companies that produce these cigarettes actually write that smoking can be hazardous to your health very clearly for all to see, yet people smoke. And once you start you become addicted and keep smoking and killing your self slowly. Many people along the way decide to stop but find it hard to do that because they have become addicted. Some have tried several times but keep failing. My advice to any one that is trying to quit smoking is to continue and never give up until you achieve it. Quitting smoking is a must and not an alternative if you want to live healthy and avoid complications in your body sooner or later.
If you are trying to quit smoking, try the following ways below:
1) Nicotine Replacement: you can replace nicotine with gum, lozenges, and inhalers. All these reduce the need for nicotine. Each of these products actual contains nicotine that is delivered to the body in small doses. Over the course of the treatment the dosage is reduced until you no longer crave a cigarette.
2) Prescription Medications: These products do not contain any nicotine. Instead they use a drug that affects the brain in a similar fashion to nicotine. Like nicotine replacement the dosage is gradually reduced. Examples of stop smoking medications are Chantix and Zyban.
3) Cold Turkey: This is the oldest, and some claim the most difficult, way to stop smoking. You simply stop smoking cigarettes and rely on your willpower alone to quit. You can try to stop suddenly from one day to the next or slowly reduce the number of daily cigarettes you smoke over a period of time.
4) Herbal Remedies: Although there is no conclusive evidence that these methods work, herbal remedies have become very popular. This is because they offer a natural remedy to help you kick the smoking habit.


i want to insert a link here. can you see it

How to Lose Belly Fat

How will you love to have a sexy flat tummy? I am quite sure that everyone would love that. A flat tummy apart from the health benefits just makes you look fabulous and smart. If your tummy is far from being flat, you can read on to learn how to achieve that sexy flat tummy.
To get this flat tummy, you need to go on a flat tummy diet, and this diet includes eating the following type of foods, cutting out fat and high calorie carbohydrates. The foods include:
• Oatmeal, choose the old plain type, do not take the flavoured ones.
• Eat berries, the natural ones, like strawberries, blueberries, rasp berries
• Eggs contain vitamin B12 which helps to metabolize fats so eat it.
• Beans and legumes eat the natural ones; do not eat the processed ones in cans. These are great because they contain high protein and fiber.
• Eat lean part of meat and fish
• Whole grain bread, make sure it is 100% wheat flour
• Green vegetables, very good for the body.
You have to reduce the amount of fatty foods you eat,
Switch from using vegetable oil and use olive oil for all your cooking.
Run away from fried foods and butter and margarine.
Do not avoid breakfast but try and not eat after 7pm at night.
Always keep in mind the result , this will motivate you break the bad habits.


Health is wealth

A seed ascends around the turntable.

Ever heard of the saying that health is wealth? Yeah, I agree 100%, if you make all the money and you do not have the health to enjoy it, then you would have lived your life working for other people.

We need to realize the importance of taking care of our bodies. The way you take care of your body will determine how well it will be.

So remember to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet and also exercise that body.


What causes weight gain.

Two things basically cause a person to gain weight and it is:

1. Eating too much


2. Not being physically active.

5 Ways to speed up your metabolism

The body’s metabolism plays a major role in our quest to lose weight. The rate of our metabolism determines the rate at which we burn calories which ultimately boils down to weight loss.
The following steps will help speed up your metabolism:
1. Engage in an intense workout. The more intense your work out sessions is, the faster your metabolism and the more you lose weight which continues even after you stop the work out, more calories are still being burned.
2. Drink 3 litres of water daily. The calorie burning process of metabolism needs water to work effectively. Additionally, your body has to raise your metabolism to burn extra calories to warm up the cold water. Drinking water has been shown by several studies to increase fat burning metabolism.
3. Eat more fibre and protein; this increases your metabolism because the body burns the most calories when it digests food high in fibre and protein. So eat your carrots, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, and beans and so on.
4. Work out when its the best time for maximum effect and that is in the morning when you wake up. Working out in the morning revs up your metabolism and gives it that way all though the day.
5. Do not skip breakfast, eating breakfast also gets your metabolism started and avoiding breakfast slows down your metabolism which is bad for weight loss.


Healthy food guide

The secret to good health and weight management is by eating the right foods and in the right way too. It is not surprising that many people are lost when it comes to knowing what to eat , what foods to avoid and what calories they should be taking, this reason accounts a great deal on why there are so many over weight individuals today.
Below is a little quick guide on what foods are best for consumption and what foods we should avoid.

We should eat good carbohydrates and good proteins and good fats. Do not be surprised I am mentioning carbohydrates and fats here, we need these food types in our bodies , but we should eat the good ones and avoid those bad ones that are harmful to our bodies.

Examples of good carbohydrates include:Brown rice, oats and oatmeals,Yams, Lentils, Whole grain bread, Potatoes, Whole grain cereals.

Examples of bad carbohydrates to avoid are: White pasta, White rice, White bread, Instant oatmeal, Processed cereals, Sweets and candies.

Examples of good proteins include: Lean beef, Pork, Veal, All types of fish( salmon, sardine,tuna e.t.c),poultry (turkey, chicken),beans,peas,soybean.

Examples of protein to avoid are: whole milk,ground beef,ham,cheese,bacon,pork chop.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, just to give you an idea.

It is best to have 300 to 400 calories in each meal three times a day.


You and your body

How would you like to weigh less, look younger and have more energy than you do now, and to make all this permanent, not fluctuating.
You can actually achieve this by taking care of yourself. Do not allow you to be controlled by food and live a life of depravation. Make food your friend. You need to learn how to balance the relationship between healthy eating habits and your passion for food. This should be done gradually, avoid quick fixes. Be strong, even if you fail at your attempts, keep trying. It takes only one person to change your life and that is you.
Changing your eating and health habits can really prolong your life to an extent and also prevent or alleviate some health problems for you. When you take care of yourself, you can become a happier and healthier you.
Do you love sugar, do you have a sweet tooth, and do you love processed foods which are foods that have undergone artificial processing. Do you love to eat red meat and dairy products, milk, cheese, ice cream and so on? These foods cause damage to our bodies when consumed excessively. And also is not even good when we reach a certain age.
Learn to build a balance, eat more of natural foods, fruits and vegetables, these are excellent for your health and will keep you healthy.
Strive to strike a balance in maintaining a good lifestyle and you will find yourself losing weight, looking younger and having more energy.



4:10inches = 1.48mm 40kg ---45kg
4;11inches ==1.50mm 45kg --48kg
5;0 inches == 1.52mm 48kg --50kg
5;1inches == 1.54mm 50kg --55kg
5;2inches == 1.57mm 52kg --55kg
5;3inches == 1.60mm 56kg --60kg
5;4inches ==1.62mm 60kg --65kg
5;5inches == 1.65 mm 65kg --70kg
5;6inches == 1.67mm 68kg --- 70kg
5;7inches == 1.70mm 70kg---75kg
5;8inches == 1.73 mm 75kg---80kg
5;9inches = 1.75mm 77kg ---80kg
5;10inches = 1.78mm 79kg--80kg
5;11inches = 1.80mm 81kg--85kg
6;0 inches = 1.83 mm 85kg--90kg
6;1inches = 1.85mm 87kg---90kg
6;2inches= 1.88mm 90kg---95kg
6;3inches = 1.90mm 93kg--95kg
6;4inches = 1.90-1.95mm 95kg---100kg

B.M.I is the body metabolic index. It is used to determine when the body is overweight and underweight. It is calculated by dividing body weight by the height and them multiplying by 100.

Please Note that the above is not applicable to pregnant women and people with high proportion of muscle which weighs more than fat.


Some Fruits and their usefulness

Apple: If you eat an apple a day, it goes as far as keeping you away from the doctors’ office. It has anti -oxidants which enhance the activity of vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease.

Guava: This contains lots of vitamin C also. It is also rich in fibre which helps prevent constipation.

Papaya/Paw-paw: This is rich in carotene and is very good for the eyes.

Kiwi: This fruit is small in size but mighty in works. It is a good source of potassium, magnesium and Vitamin E and also fibre. Do you know that the vitamin C in this kiwi fruit is twice the amount contained in orange?

Orange: Take 2-4 oranges a day and it will keep colds away from you.

Strawberry: Also has high level of anti-oxidants and protects the body from cancer causing blood vessel clogging free radicals.

Watermelon: 92 % of this fruit consists of water. It is packed with compounds that helps boost the body immune system. It also contains vitamin C and potassium.


Take care of your Heart

Beauty begins from the heart, that’s why we should take care of it. Maintaining a good health is not just physical, it is also spiritual. Do you believe that if you have unpleasant things in your heart it affects you physically in a negative way? I believe that and it is true. Having your heart both in top shape both physically and spiritually is like living in heaven here on earth.
To have a healthy heart spiritually, you should practice reading your Bible for 20 minutes every day. This practice helps your heart to develop a deep relationship with the one who made you and is the best for you.
To help your heart physically, take 20-30 minutes cardio exercise 3-5 times a week.


Amazing facts about eating fruits

A colleague of mine gave me some great information about eating fruits which I think I should share.
If you master the correct way of eating fruits you will have the secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight.
Eating fruits is not just buying and eating whenever you want, you need to know how to eat the fruit properly and also the best time to eat it. Fruits should be eaten on an empty stomach. If you eat fruits on an empty stomach, it will detoxify your system supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other live activities.
When you drink fruit juice, let it be only fresh fruit juice. Invest in a juicer and do it yourself. Do not cook your fruits, if you do, you waste the nutrients and what you get alone is the taste, nothing useful for the body. Cooking destroys all the vitamins.
Eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice only. When you eat the whole fruit, you get the fiber also.
If you eat a piece of fruit, it goes straight through the stomach into the intestines. But if you eat the fruit immediately after you have eaten food, the piece of fruit is prevented from digesting immediately. The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach, the entire mass of food begins to spoil.
So please when you eat fruits, eat on an empty stomach.
Finally, do you know that when you eat fruits on an empty stomach, it prevents dark circles under the eyes.

Revitalize your hair

Good health is about our entire body from the hairs on your head to the nails on your feet. This article is about your hair. As the saying goes, a woman’s hair is her crowning glory. Now, some women battle with dry and brittle hair. This gives many of them bad hair days.
I have a tip that you can use to revitalize your hair giving it life again.
• Mash a ripe banana which is rich in vitamin B and potassium in a bowl,
• Add a tablespoon of honey and half teaspoon lavender essential oil.
• Mix until creamy
• Apply on wet hair and massage
• Leave it for 6 minutes and rinse
• Then wash with shampoo and condition.
This works like magic, why don’t you try it.


Garlic, some facts about the wonder spice

• Garlic cloves have been associated with many health benefits, they are said to contain disease preventing compounds.
• When using garlic, always peel it first, this is to lock up some of the disease preventing compound.
• After cutting or crushing the garlic for use, leave to sit on the cutting board for some about 10 minutes to allow the health promoting compounds to form.
• It is better to use fresh garlic than the powdered one.
• Garlic has blood pressure lowering properties.

Shop Healthy

No doubt, many of us love shopping. In this article, the shopping will be narrowed to food shopping. There are ways we can shop to maximize and at the same time shop for the right foods to ensure our homes are always well stocked.
Buy fresh foods. When you shop for food whether fresh or canned, examine the food item; look at the labels on the canned foods.
Before you go to the market/shop, ensure you draw up a list. The benefit of this is that it helps you shop smart and very fast and you are out in no time. It also helps you focus on what you want to buy and not over spend buying what you did not come for. Some people recommend that you send your grown son or daughter to go shopping because they will stick strictly to the list.
Buy fruits a few days before they ripe .This will avoid wastage.
Check the body of an apple for bruises before buying. An apple with bruises will get rotten in no time and will not be good for eating and therefore also be a waste.
Buy fruits in season, they are tastier and cheaper.
Buy foods rich in fiber, you need about 2 grams of fiber to burn every 100 calories you take.
Before buying whole wheat bread, confirm it is really whole wheat by checking the bread label.
Buy plenty of vegetables and store in your refrigerator, buy enough to make it possible you get to eat vegetables everyday before your next visit to the shop again.


Eat Naturally Diuretic Foods

Natural diuretic foods are natural foods or herbs that allow increased flow of urine, thereby aids removal of excess fluid from the body. Foods like salt and sugar causes the body to retain fluid which may lead to bloating and water retention. Eating natural diuretic foods can help the removal of this excess water. These foods stimulate your kidneys to rid your body of water rather than close them down as do the salty foods.
Below is a list of diuretic foods. If you eat them you can lose several pounds of water overnight.
• Apricots
• Asparagus
• Banana
• Chicken
• Grape fruit and grape fruit drink.
• Skim milk/low fat milk
• Unsalted nuts
• Fresh pineapple
• Lean beef
• Oranges and orange juice
• Tomatoes
• Watermelon
• Turkey

Boost your Memory

There are a lot of things you can do to enhance the quality of life you live. Having a good memory sure improves your chances in life.
Below are tips on what you can do to boost your memory:
• Engage in aerobics. Doing regular aerobics shows increased flow of blood to the brain which prevents a decline in brain function.
• Get a good night’s sleep. If you go to bed early after learning something new, you would remember what you learnt the next day easily. So make good use of your day and go to bed early.


Warning Signs of Cancer

Do you know that 60% of women suffer from stroke? This statistic was got from a study. It is important that we know the warning signs of stroke for our good and those we love.
• Sudden severe headache
• Confusion
• Numbness on one side of the body.
• Sudden trouble walking
• Sudden trouble seeing
• Sudden trouble speaking
Whenever you notice any of these signs, please call your doctor immediately or alert someone who will.

More tips on Losing Weight

If you have excess body weight and you are above your ideal Body Mass Index (BMI), the best thing you can do for yourself is to lose some pounds or kilos. As has been said over and over again, being overweight can lead to heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and so on. It is not good for you.
Below are best tips to help you achieve weight loss:
1. Carry a small note book and write down everything called food that goes into your mouth. The idea here is that this will put a check on what you eat. Believe me, it works. The less you eat, the more weight leaves your body.
2. Walk 45 minutes a day. Do you know that walking and running can be compared as per calorie burning. Studies have shown that 30 minutes of active strength walking everyday helps you not add any extra weight, i.e. maintain your weight, an additional 15 minutes will help the pounds drop.
3. Downsize your dinner plate. The less food you put in front of you, the less you eat.
4. Use vegetables to bulk up your meals. Pack your meals with veggies, e.g. if you want to eat pasta, pack it with lots of carrots and green pepper.
5. Try and make water your major drink during the day.


Cure your cravings

Are there certain foods you absolutely love but these foods are a no go area for you because of weight gain. Are you familiar with the following phrases: give up ice cream, no more cakes, stay off drinking wine and so on?

Well,almost every one has a craving for some kind of food and unfortunately those foods are usually those that help us gain some weight.

The secret to curing your craving is not to completely stop eating them because if you do that, then you will go back to eating them before you know it and when you go back, there is a tendency you will eat more than you used to. What you should do is not to stop completely but to learn how to do it right.

Have a little portion every evening as an evening snack, make use of portion control measures. Buy small cup ice creams, chocolate mini bars, cup cakes and so on.

Please note that you cannot eat everything you want at any time and any portion, if you do that you will be asking for weight gain. Be mindful of that. Just take small portions and before you know it, you will get used to small portions and then gradually the cravings will disappear.


Motivation for keeping fit

Do you know a very effective motivation for us to exercise our bodies and eat healthy?

It is this: everyday remove all your clothes and stand in front of a full length mirror in your room.

This will definitely make you to make the right decisions.

Other dangers of Fat

1. Fat is not good for your heart, the fatter you are, the more likely you are to have a heart attack earlier in life. Overweight people are more likely to have high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol level.
2. Fat makes exercising less desirable because it causes more body pains and aches for overweight people. There is also this fear of hurting the body while doing the exercise. Also overweight people have a tendency of felling uncomfortable in work out gear.
3. Fat makes cancer treatment and recovery much difficult. Research has shown that overweight women have a higher risk of complications from reconstruction after having a mastectomy.
4. For overweight people, the excess fat puts pressure on the bladder which could lead to urinary incontinence.
5. Fat can interfere with fertility. Obesity counts a great deal for infertility in women. Too much body fat produces too much estrogen which suppresses ovulation.
6. Fat also contributes to women having miscarriage.
This is enough alarm that warns us to avoid fat at all costs. You can do it.


Reasons to keep Fat off your body

Fat is the enemy, fat is bad; there is nothing good about fat. There are many people in the world today that are overweight and the chief culprit is fat.
Excessive consumption of foods high in fat is one of the major clear cut cause of obesity. People do not seem to realize the dire consequences of obesity. Being obese can actually remove as much as 20 years off your life, scary isn't it? Being obese causes pain, when you are obese you tend to have more pains all over your body, it also causes you pain emotionally because people will taunt you.

We should try the best we can to avoid fat, and it might interest you to know that losing the smallest fraction of fat can reduce or even reverse the many bad effects of obesity.

Do you know that fat ups your risk of cancer? Obesity is the most preventable cause of cancer, but many do not know this fact. Obesity boosts the risk of endometrial, breast and colorectal cancer. Overweight women are more susceptible. Body fat produces estrogens which fuels cancer cells. Losing weight reduces the risk significantly.

We should all run very far from fat by inculcating a healthy lifestyle.

I will post other dangers which fat poses in my next post.


Lose weight without dieting

Do you know there is a way you could lose some pounds without dieting? If you watch your sodium intake you will achieve that. If you eat a lot of salt, your body holds onto water, this can make you have an extra five to seven pounds of pure fluid retention.Check carefully the labels of food items before purchasing and also check the amount of salt you add to food when preparing.It has been stated that when people cut down on the salt intake, the difference in appearance is noticed immediately and they start to look more lean. This happens even if they made any other changes in dieting or exercise.
so, take this tip and apply and you would surely see results sooner than you know.

Lower your Body Cholesterol

Cholesterol is the waxy substance produced by the liver which the body makes use of. There are foods that contain lots of cholesterol and this adds up when we eat them to cause high cholesterol level in the body which in turn contributes to the clogging of blood arteries in our bodies. This increases the risk of heart disease.
All animal products contain cholesterol, but some contain more than the others, we should try and eat those that contain less cholesterol in moderate amounts and we will be fine. But as one grows older, it is best to cut out the foods that contain any cholesterol completely gradually from our diet.
To lower the cholesterol level in our bodies, we should engage in the following:
• Exercise at least 10 to 15 minutes at least daily. 45 to 50 minutes is ideal.
• Drink orange juice
• Have oatmeal for breakfast
• Drink soy milk
• Avoid smoking
• Avoid too much alcohol
• Use honey in your tea instead of sugar
• Eat grapefruit often
• Use honey in your sandwich instead of jam
• Eat wheat bread instead of white bread
• Eat avocado pears often
Below is the required level of cholesterol in the body
Total Cholesterol Category
Less than 200 mg Desirable
200-239 mg Borderline
240 and above mg High


5 ideas for a healthier breakfast

1. Buy a can of soy meal and top your morning cereal with the soy milk. Soy milk is known to be packed with nutrients that protect your heart and promotes strong bones.
2. Add a vitamin supplement to your breakfast.
3. Spread apple slices with peanut butter. This combination has protein and good fat and fiber to fight disease.
4. Eat half a grapefruit twice a week.
5. Eat tuna fish sandwich (on whole wheat bread preferably) instead of butter or cream cheese.

Burn more Calories

Burning calories is directly related to our body metabolism. When your metabolism is fast, you burn more calories and vice versa. Metabolism is simply the processes by which the body converts food into energy and other metabolic substances. When you are losing weight, it gets to a stage where it seems the pounds have stopped to drop. This means that your metabolic rate has slowed down. This can be frustrating.
One thing you should know is that this is not your fault and it can be overcome. The way to lose weight is to decrease the amount of calories you take-in and to increase the amount of calories you burn through exercise.
To burn those calories, there are ways you can boost your metabolism and get rid of those unwanted fat and get back in shape and good health.
1. Walk! Walk! Walk! Walk with intensity, swing your arms when you walk, walk on grass, gravel or sand, you use up energy more when you do these than when walking on the road.
2. Do some running outside instead of running on the treadmills. When you exercise outside, it actually increases your metabolism. When you run or walk outside, you do it faster and this increases your metabolism.
3. Increase your protein intake.
4. Eat five small meals through out the day.


Another 7 ways to lose weight

1. Start each morning by eating a little portion of food like protein

2. keep a journal to record your progress

3. when starting out to lose weight make small changes because starting with large commitments can overwhelm you.

4. increase your exercise routine gradually,aspire to do 30-45 minutes of exercise 3 to 4 times a week.

5. do not deprive yourself of everything you like to eat,but be wie in the choices you make.

6.set realizable goals.

7. find a partner that will encourage you.


5 Ways to cut Sugar from your diet.

Sugar is not good for the body; it should be avoided like a plague. Sugar does a lot of damage to our body system. Yet it seems the whole world is drowning on sugar. Sugar is the main cause of a lot of diseases including obesity, heart disease, and cancer and so on. We should really avoid sugar at all costs.
Below are 5 ways you can employ to cut down your sugar intake starting, immediately.
1. If you drink Coca-cola, try mixing half a bottle of the regular coke with another half bottle of the diet coke and discard the rest. You might says that’s wasting, you can share with someone, but I feel it’s better to waste that coke drink than poison your body, which is better?
2. For those that love Ice cream, don’t buy ice cream to store in the fridge, because if you do, you’ll be tempted to take more than necessary. Make ice cream a treat you need to go out and get.
3. Don’t skip meals because when you do, you will be tempted to eat high sugar foods to quench your hunger.
4. Go for sugar substitutes like natural honey.
5. If you find it difficult cutting down on soft drinks and juices, try having a glass of iced tea or soda water any time the craving for soft drink comes.


Do these Three Things

1.Start your day with a bowl of whole grain cereal.

2. Eat more of fruits and vegetables.They are the healthiest source of fibre.

3.Switch to whole grain bread.


5 Ways to sneak in Fibre ino your Diet

Fibre is good for you. Fibre is the indigestible part of plant foods, e.g. the husk on the grain, the crunch on the apple. Fibre is good; it protects you from heart disease, cancer, digestive problems. One very important importance of fibre is also that it helps to lower cholesterol and high cholesterol is a big problem for many people.. With all these benefits, you can be convinced that fibre in indeed very good for us, and is one nutrient you must have in your daily diet.
Now, below are six ways in which you can comfortably sneak in fibre into your diet:
1. Eat cereal everyday for breakfast, a whole grain unsweetened cereal.
2. Eat more oatmeal; you can do this by including oats into your muffins or biscuits when preparing them.
3. When making sandwiches, always add lettuce and tomatoes instead of cheese. They add fibre and reduce calories.
4. Eat the skin of your baked sweet potatoes. This brings up the fibre content than when the potatoes are mashed.
5. Switch to whole wheat flour when baking. You can do this gradually by mixing the normal flour and whole wheat flour, then eventually you start using only the whole wheat flour.


Setting a weight loss Goal -- Secret to losing weight

Losing weight in a healthy way is a gradual process, so you need to set weight loss goals that are realistic. Your goals should be measurable and achievable too. Its a good idea to document your goals so you can readily refer to them. Make sure you choose a plan that will work for you.
If you love eating carbohydrates, then there is no point saying that you want to go on a protein diet because you would probably not succeed. Instead choose healthy alternatives of carbohydrates, for example instead of eating white bread, you eat whole wheat bread.
You can set a goal to reduce the quantity of your dinner and gradually skip eating dinner, this will work wonders in making you lose excess weight.
Be committed to your weight loss goal and this really requires enormous commitment and you can do it. You must prepare your mind first about losing weight because if you feel in your mind that you cannot lose any weight then you will not lose any weight. You need to build up strength to commit to losing weight because it is a life time commitment and your lifestyle has to change, this will definitely be to your advantage in the long run. Think of all the benefits you are to enjoy, you will look good, your confidence will soar, your body is healthy and diseases will be chased away. All these reasons should motivate to set a weight loss goal and to commit to it.
I have a friend who decided to lose excess fat that was piling, she decided to commit to a protein and vegetable diet, she said it wasn’t so easy at the beginning but she knew the benefits and stuck to her weight loss goals, after some time she noticed the excess weight falling off and she was so happy and this motivated her.
Some days you might over eat , some other days you might miss your exercise routine, don’t let this deter you, make sure you continue.
You can really lose weight if you put your mind to it, set a goal and stick to it.