Wierd tips to Lose your Abdominal Fat


Look Younger

I bet you’d agree with me that youth is good. Most people if not every one would love to remain young or at least maintain their youthful looks even after they leave that stage.
You can maintain your youthful looks to a great extent even after you are past that age, it just depends on your lifestyle, if you engage in destructive habits like smoking, it would definitely report adversely on your body and ultimately your looks, but if you live healthy, you would benefit from it too.
Below are tips that can help you look younger:
Your hands, neck and chest can give away your age; they can show your real age. This is because these three areas are mostly exposed to the sun more than the other parts of your body, your face gets exposed too, but it gets more care than these other parts.
Most women notice the first signs of aging in their early 30’s this is because the skin begins to thin and lose moisture. When age 40 and 50 are attained, there is a loss of fat which makes tendons and veins more visible underneath the skin. To prevent this from happening, you should apply a thick layer of moisturizing sunscreen immediately after every time you wash your hands.
Cover your chest also with sunscreen moisturizer which contains Vitamin E during the day
Avoid smoking, because this causes a great damage to your skin. In all, try to protect the uncovered part of your body from sun as much as possible and moisturize very often.


9 Slimming Strategies

Achieving an ideal svelte and sexy body frame is possible. Not only is it possible, it is good for every one,its got a lot of benefits health wise and it also gives you confidence which boosts your ability to be a success in life. Please go through the strategies listed below,do them and you will be on the path to becoming a better and more beautiful you.

1.Make whole unprocessed grains ,vegetables, beans and fruits the mainstay of your diet.Add small amounts of animal protein like lean meat,poultry,fish.

2.Until you achieve your ideal weight, please steer clear of dry foods like,white bread,crackers,rolls and all flour products.

3.Avoid foods that contain a significant amount of fat.

4.Consume more fruits and vegetables.

5.Do not drink fizzy drinks,fruit juices and alcohol. This is one calorie dense food that does not create any sense of fullness.

6.Plan your food selections carefully, eat foods that have the lowest calories count first like salads with fat-free dressing (you can try the one i posted earlier),steamed vegetables and vegetable soups.These will fill you up and leave less room in your stomach for higher density foods.

7.Eat frequently,three full meals a day and maybe two low calorie snacks like an apple or carrot.This will control your hunger.

8.To boost your metabolism and burn more calories,walk for 45 minutes everyday.

9.Avoid refined sugar.satisfy your sweet tooth with sweet fruits.


Cook To Loose That Fat

Some people give the excuse that they are so busy they cannot cook, and then they go out and buy all sorts of junk food that are no good and will pile on the excess fat on them.
Cooking does not need to be tiresome; there are fast healthy recipes you can get done in no time and the best part is that it keeps you healthy and trim.
When shopping, avoid the processed food section and go to for the fresh vegetables, these do a whole lot of good in your body. You can make salads of varied types adding healthy nuts.
When choosing the salad dressing to use, do not buy those sugar and cream laden ones, you can actually make a healthy dressing yourself at home. You can do that by combining three parts good quality olive oil with one part lemon juice or red wine and add a little salt and pepper, then shake the mixture and refrigerate if you like. This is a great tasting dressing that will liven up the salad and fill you up nicely as well.
Try it,keep fit and look trendy!



Do you know you can drop two inches of belly fat in a month? With the workout carefully detailed below, you can work steadily and see yourself loosing your belly fat. Please read on.
1. Straight leg scissors:
• Lie on your back with your arms by your side
• Raise your legs with your toes pointing towards the skies
• Flatten your lower back, engaging lower tummy muscles.
• Inhale while lowering your right legs so your toes are in line with your nose.
• Exhale, switching your legs scissors like so your right leg lifts back up and your left comes down.
• Don’t let your foot touch the ground.
• Repeat this 5 to 8 times.

2. Twist
• Get on your knees and forearms with your elbows directly under your shoulder, fingers interlaced
• Stretch your legs long and come up on your toes into a plank position.
• Exhale while twisting slightly to the left from your waist only.
• Inhale , returning to the starting position
• Repeat on the opposite side
• Do 10 times

3. Straight line side lift
• Lie on your left side with your legs straight and stacked on top of one another and your feet flexed.
• Rest your head on your straight on your straight left arm
• Inhale while lifting both legs off the ground
• Exhale while slowly lowering them until they’re about 1 inch off the ground.
• Do 10 times, then switch sides and repeat.




you are welcome to this blog. The purpose of this blog is to give time tested tips on living healthy and fighting excess weight.

Even in the midst of the economy crunch all over the world, people are still dealing with overweight problems. Fat is the number one health enemy of people and this fact is not well known as its supposed to.

Do you know that fat increases your risk for cancer, heart disease,diabetes,infertility,asthma,pregnancy problems,bad sex and so many other health problems.

You should know that shedding excess weight is something you really can do and maintain. Yeah, that's true. You can do it.

What you have to do is to be determined and focus on getting it done. The good news is that there are ways that are not so much trouble which i will be suggesting.

Now, take charge of your body and become a better, slimmer and more beautiful you.