Wierd tips to Lose your Abdominal Fat



Do you know you can drop two inches of belly fat in a month? With the workout carefully detailed below, you can work steadily and see yourself loosing your belly fat. Please read on.
1. Straight leg scissors:
• Lie on your back with your arms by your side
• Raise your legs with your toes pointing towards the skies
• Flatten your lower back, engaging lower tummy muscles.
• Inhale while lowering your right legs so your toes are in line with your nose.
• Exhale, switching your legs scissors like so your right leg lifts back up and your left comes down.
• Don’t let your foot touch the ground.
• Repeat this 5 to 8 times.

2. Twist
• Get on your knees and forearms with your elbows directly under your shoulder, fingers interlaced
• Stretch your legs long and come up on your toes into a plank position.
• Exhale while twisting slightly to the left from your waist only.
• Inhale , returning to the starting position
• Repeat on the opposite side
• Do 10 times

3. Straight line side lift
• Lie on your left side with your legs straight and stacked on top of one another and your feet flexed.
• Rest your head on your straight on your straight left arm
• Inhale while lifting both legs off the ground
• Exhale while slowly lowering them until they’re about 1 inch off the ground.
• Do 10 times, then switch sides and repeat.




you are welcome to this blog. The purpose of this blog is to give time tested tips on living healthy and fighting excess weight.

Even in the midst of the economy crunch all over the world, people are still dealing with overweight problems. Fat is the number one health enemy of people and this fact is not well known as its supposed to.

Do you know that fat increases your risk for cancer, heart disease,diabetes,infertility,asthma,pregnancy problems,bad sex and so many other health problems.

You should know that shedding excess weight is something you really can do and maintain. Yeah, that's true. You can do it.

What you have to do is to be determined and focus on getting it done. The good news is that there are ways that are not so much trouble which i will be suggesting.

Now, take charge of your body and become a better, slimmer and more beautiful you.