Wierd tips to Lose your Abdominal Fat


Lose weight without dieting

Do you know there is a way you could lose some pounds without dieting? If you watch your sodium intake you will achieve that. If you eat a lot of salt, your body holds onto water, this can make you have an extra five to seven pounds of pure fluid retention.Check carefully the labels of food items before purchasing and also check the amount of salt you add to food when preparing.It has been stated that when people cut down on the salt intake, the difference in appearance is noticed immediately and they start to look more lean. This happens even if they made any other changes in dieting or exercise.
so, take this tip and apply and you would surely see results sooner than you know.

Lower your Body Cholesterol

Cholesterol is the waxy substance produced by the liver which the body makes use of. There are foods that contain lots of cholesterol and this adds up when we eat them to cause high cholesterol level in the body which in turn contributes to the clogging of blood arteries in our bodies. This increases the risk of heart disease.
All animal products contain cholesterol, but some contain more than the others, we should try and eat those that contain less cholesterol in moderate amounts and we will be fine. But as one grows older, it is best to cut out the foods that contain any cholesterol completely gradually from our diet.
To lower the cholesterol level in our bodies, we should engage in the following:
• Exercise at least 10 to 15 minutes at least daily. 45 to 50 minutes is ideal.
• Drink orange juice
• Have oatmeal for breakfast
• Drink soy milk
• Avoid smoking
• Avoid too much alcohol
• Use honey in your tea instead of sugar
• Eat grapefruit often
• Use honey in your sandwich instead of jam
• Eat wheat bread instead of white bread
• Eat avocado pears often
Below is the required level of cholesterol in the body
Total Cholesterol Category
Less than 200 mg Desirable
200-239 mg Borderline
240 and above mg High


5 ideas for a healthier breakfast

1. Buy a can of soy meal and top your morning cereal with the soy milk. Soy milk is known to be packed with nutrients that protect your heart and promotes strong bones.
2. Add a vitamin supplement to your breakfast.
3. Spread apple slices with peanut butter. This combination has protein and good fat and fiber to fight disease.
4. Eat half a grapefruit twice a week.
5. Eat tuna fish sandwich (on whole wheat bread preferably) instead of butter or cream cheese.

Burn more Calories

Burning calories is directly related to our body metabolism. When your metabolism is fast, you burn more calories and vice versa. Metabolism is simply the processes by which the body converts food into energy and other metabolic substances. When you are losing weight, it gets to a stage where it seems the pounds have stopped to drop. This means that your metabolic rate has slowed down. This can be frustrating.
One thing you should know is that this is not your fault and it can be overcome. The way to lose weight is to decrease the amount of calories you take-in and to increase the amount of calories you burn through exercise.
To burn those calories, there are ways you can boost your metabolism and get rid of those unwanted fat and get back in shape and good health.
1. Walk! Walk! Walk! Walk with intensity, swing your arms when you walk, walk on grass, gravel or sand, you use up energy more when you do these than when walking on the road.
2. Do some running outside instead of running on the treadmills. When you exercise outside, it actually increases your metabolism. When you run or walk outside, you do it faster and this increases your metabolism.
3. Increase your protein intake.
4. Eat five small meals through out the day.