Wierd tips to Lose your Abdominal Fat


Some Fruits and their usefulness

Apple: If you eat an apple a day, it goes as far as keeping you away from the doctors’ office. It has anti -oxidants which enhance the activity of vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease.

Guava: This contains lots of vitamin C also. It is also rich in fibre which helps prevent constipation.

Papaya/Paw-paw: This is rich in carotene and is very good for the eyes.

Kiwi: This fruit is small in size but mighty in works. It is a good source of potassium, magnesium and Vitamin E and also fibre. Do you know that the vitamin C in this kiwi fruit is twice the amount contained in orange?

Orange: Take 2-4 oranges a day and it will keep colds away from you.

Strawberry: Also has high level of anti-oxidants and protects the body from cancer causing blood vessel clogging free radicals.

Watermelon: 92 % of this fruit consists of water. It is packed with compounds that helps boost the body immune system. It also contains vitamin C and potassium.


Take care of your Heart

Beauty begins from the heart, that’s why we should take care of it. Maintaining a good health is not just physical, it is also spiritual. Do you believe that if you have unpleasant things in your heart it affects you physically in a negative way? I believe that and it is true. Having your heart both in top shape both physically and spiritually is like living in heaven here on earth.
To have a healthy heart spiritually, you should practice reading your Bible for 20 minutes every day. This practice helps your heart to develop a deep relationship with the one who made you and is the best for you.
To help your heart physically, take 20-30 minutes cardio exercise 3-5 times a week.