Wierd tips to Lose your Abdominal Fat


Another 7 ways to lose weight

1. Start each morning by eating a little portion of food like protein

2. keep a journal to record your progress

3. when starting out to lose weight make small changes because starting with large commitments can overwhelm you.

4. increase your exercise routine gradually,aspire to do 30-45 minutes of exercise 3 to 4 times a week.

5. do not deprive yourself of everything you like to eat,but be wie in the choices you make.

6.set realizable goals.

7. find a partner that will encourage you.


5 Ways to cut Sugar from your diet.

Sugar is not good for the body; it should be avoided like a plague. Sugar does a lot of damage to our body system. Yet it seems the whole world is drowning on sugar. Sugar is the main cause of a lot of diseases including obesity, heart disease, and cancer and so on. We should really avoid sugar at all costs.
Below are 5 ways you can employ to cut down your sugar intake starting, immediately.
1. If you drink Coca-cola, try mixing half a bottle of the regular coke with another half bottle of the diet coke and discard the rest. You might says that’s wasting, you can share with someone, but I feel it’s better to waste that coke drink than poison your body, which is better?
2. For those that love Ice cream, don’t buy ice cream to store in the fridge, because if you do, you’ll be tempted to take more than necessary. Make ice cream a treat you need to go out and get.
3. Don’t skip meals because when you do, you will be tempted to eat high sugar foods to quench your hunger.
4. Go for sugar substitutes like natural honey.
5. If you find it difficult cutting down on soft drinks and juices, try having a glass of iced tea or soda water any time the craving for soft drink comes.