Wierd tips to Lose your Abdominal Fat


Further tips on how to lose belly fat

Belly fat seems to be a huge problem for a lot of people, especially women after childbirth and also for middle aged men; you know the adage “pot belly”. The major contributor to this problem is usually stress, modern lifestyle where 24 hours in a day is barely enough to accomplish your task. Also among the culprits is lack of exercise and unhealthy eating. All these contribute to the accumulation of fat to the stomach.
Knowing how to lose belly fat is the first step in gaining that flat stomach that so many people aspire to. Losing this fat and getting a flat stomach can be a painfully slow experience because belly fat is certainly a stubborn kind of fat, but it is certainly worth the efforts. The rewards are not only a better looking and fit body, but also improved long term health. So keep at it.

If you are one of those that are mid-riff heavy due to one reason or the other, the following tips and tricks below can help you reduce the excess fat around your tummy and achieve a flat tummy, with discipline and persistence, you can achieve it.
1. Throw Out the Junk Food: You need to stop eating junk food if you want to achieve a flat tummy. You know the saying that you are what you eat, so don’t eat junk. Remove temptation and do not keep junk food like cookies, chips, sweets and other similar products in your house. If you do not have these bad foods lying around, you will not think about them and after sometime, you will break the bad eating habits. Junk food is so bad due to the fact that it contains a high level sugar content of junk food. Junk food consists of refined carbohydrates and sugar, which when eaten, raises blood sugar levels, leading to reduction in fat burning and increase in appetite. You may ask what kind of foods are considered junk, Junk food is anything that is highly processed, contains large amounts of fat or is cooked in hot fat, has lots of sugar, is low on fiber, has additives and preservatives, or comes in a jar, box, or can. Please avoid foods that come in the description above.
2. Carbohydrates and Losing Belly Fat: Carbohydrates are essential for the body, but there are good ones and bad ones. Refined flours and the foods that they create, such as white bread, pasta, donuts, cakes and biscuits should be avoided. They can cause bloating, poor digestion, and lead to accumulation of fat. Good carbohydrates such as fresh fruits and vegetables should be eaten instead. Other good carbohydrates also are oats, brown rice, and sweet potato. A diet that takes most of its carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables, as opposed to refined flours, is healthier. Whole meal or wheat bread should be eaten instead of white bread, and biscuits and cakes should be avoided. Consuming too much carbohydrate raises your insulin level, which can slow down your metabolism. The body does not metabolize too much carbohydrate at once because the body doesn’t need so much energy at once. The excess sugar from the carbohydrates will just turn into stomach fat.
3. Stop late night snacking: Avoid snacking late at night because there isn’t much activity done afterwards, people go to bed at night after eating , this will cause high sugar levels in the body and no activity to burn it, this excess sugar will just convert to fat and pile up in your tummy area especially.
4. Decrease your alcohol consumption: Drinking alcohol causes fat to accumulate around your waist. Alcohol contains lots of calories and no nutrients. So the entire alcohol taken will be stored as fat. if you want to succeed in the belly fat blasting, you need to stop taking alcohol for a while.
5. Exercise is necessary for weight loss: You must engage in exercise to see your belly fat shrink. Go to the gym, or join a group that does aerobics. Just make sure you engage in a high intensity work out that will make you break out in sweats, do this regularly.