Wierd tips to Lose your Abdominal Fat


Healthy food guide

The secret to good health and weight management is by eating the right foods and in the right way too. It is not surprising that many people are lost when it comes to knowing what to eat , what foods to avoid and what calories they should be taking, this reason accounts a great deal on why there are so many over weight individuals today.
Below is a little quick guide on what foods are best for consumption and what foods we should avoid.

We should eat good carbohydrates and good proteins and good fats. Do not be surprised I am mentioning carbohydrates and fats here, we need these food types in our bodies , but we should eat the good ones and avoid those bad ones that are harmful to our bodies.

Examples of good carbohydrates include:Brown rice, oats and oatmeals,Yams, Lentils, Whole grain bread, Potatoes, Whole grain cereals.

Examples of bad carbohydrates to avoid are: White pasta, White rice, White bread, Instant oatmeal, Processed cereals, Sweets and candies.

Examples of good proteins include: Lean beef, Pork, Veal, All types of fish( salmon, sardine,tuna e.t.c),poultry (turkey, chicken),beans,peas,soybean.

Examples of protein to avoid are: whole milk,ground beef,ham,cheese,bacon,pork chop.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, just to give you an idea.

It is best to have 300 to 400 calories in each meal three times a day.