Wierd tips to Lose your Abdominal Fat


Cure your cravings

Are there certain foods you absolutely love but these foods are a no go area for you because of weight gain. Are you familiar with the following phrases: give up ice cream, no more cakes, stay off drinking wine and so on?

Well,almost every one has a craving for some kind of food and unfortunately those foods are usually those that help us gain some weight.

The secret to curing your craving is not to completely stop eating them because if you do that, then you will go back to eating them before you know it and when you go back, there is a tendency you will eat more than you used to. What you should do is not to stop completely but to learn how to do it right.

Have a little portion every evening as an evening snack, make use of portion control measures. Buy small cup ice creams, chocolate mini bars, cup cakes and so on.

Please note that you cannot eat everything you want at any time and any portion, if you do that you will be asking for weight gain. Be mindful of that. Just take small portions and before you know it, you will get used to small portions and then gradually the cravings will disappear.


Motivation for keeping fit

Do you know a very effective motivation for us to exercise our bodies and eat healthy?

It is this: everyday remove all your clothes and stand in front of a full length mirror in your room.

This will definitely make you to make the right decisions.

Other dangers of Fat

1. Fat is not good for your heart, the fatter you are, the more likely you are to have a heart attack earlier in life. Overweight people are more likely to have high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol level.
2. Fat makes exercising less desirable because it causes more body pains and aches for overweight people. There is also this fear of hurting the body while doing the exercise. Also overweight people have a tendency of felling uncomfortable in work out gear.
3. Fat makes cancer treatment and recovery much difficult. Research has shown that overweight women have a higher risk of complications from reconstruction after having a mastectomy.
4. For overweight people, the excess fat puts pressure on the bladder which could lead to urinary incontinence.
5. Fat can interfere with fertility. Obesity counts a great deal for infertility in women. Too much body fat produces too much estrogen which suppresses ovulation.
6. Fat also contributes to women having miscarriage.
This is enough alarm that warns us to avoid fat at all costs. You can do it.


Reasons to keep Fat off your body

Fat is the enemy, fat is bad; there is nothing good about fat. There are many people in the world today that are overweight and the chief culprit is fat.
Excessive consumption of foods high in fat is one of the major clear cut cause of obesity. People do not seem to realize the dire consequences of obesity. Being obese can actually remove as much as 20 years off your life, scary isn't it? Being obese causes pain, when you are obese you tend to have more pains all over your body, it also causes you pain emotionally because people will taunt you.

We should try the best we can to avoid fat, and it might interest you to know that losing the smallest fraction of fat can reduce or even reverse the many bad effects of obesity.

Do you know that fat ups your risk of cancer? Obesity is the most preventable cause of cancer, but many do not know this fact. Obesity boosts the risk of endometrial, breast and colorectal cancer. Overweight women are more susceptible. Body fat produces estrogens which fuels cancer cells. Losing weight reduces the risk significantly.

We should all run very far from fat by inculcating a healthy lifestyle.

I will post other dangers which fat poses in my next post.