Wierd tips to Lose your Abdominal Fat


Cure your cravings

Are there certain foods you absolutely love but these foods are a no go area for you because of weight gain. Are you familiar with the following phrases: give up ice cream, no more cakes, stay off drinking wine and so on?

Well,almost every one has a craving for some kind of food and unfortunately those foods are usually those that help us gain some weight.

The secret to curing your craving is not to completely stop eating them because if you do that, then you will go back to eating them before you know it and when you go back, there is a tendency you will eat more than you used to. What you should do is not to stop completely but to learn how to do it right.

Have a little portion every evening as an evening snack, make use of portion control measures. Buy small cup ice creams, chocolate mini bars, cup cakes and so on.

Please note that you cannot eat everything you want at any time and any portion, if you do that you will be asking for weight gain. Be mindful of that. Just take small portions and before you know it, you will get used to small portions and then gradually the cravings will disappear.

1 comment:

  1. This is very interesting. I should suppose it makes sense to moderate what you eat and not to give it up entirely.
