Wierd tips to Lose your Abdominal Fat


Burn more Calories

Burning calories is directly related to our body metabolism. When your metabolism is fast, you burn more calories and vice versa. Metabolism is simply the processes by which the body converts food into energy and other metabolic substances. When you are losing weight, it gets to a stage where it seems the pounds have stopped to drop. This means that your metabolic rate has slowed down. This can be frustrating.
One thing you should know is that this is not your fault and it can be overcome. The way to lose weight is to decrease the amount of calories you take-in and to increase the amount of calories you burn through exercise.
To burn those calories, there are ways you can boost your metabolism and get rid of those unwanted fat and get back in shape and good health.
1. Walk! Walk! Walk! Walk with intensity, swing your arms when you walk, walk on grass, gravel or sand, you use up energy more when you do these than when walking on the road.
2. Do some running outside instead of running on the treadmills. When you exercise outside, it actually increases your metabolism. When you run or walk outside, you do it faster and this increases your metabolism.
3. Increase your protein intake.
4. Eat five small meals through out the day.

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